Akhir-akhir ini banyak ATM Exp & Gold yang di share kan ? tapi kadang - kadang gak work. Kali ini saya akan share ATM Exp & Gold yang hanya menggunakan Fiddler, yang di buat oleh Hack_Games™. Kalian bisa mendapatkan Gold dan EXP jika menggunakan cheat ini. Untuk penggunaannya seperti menggunakan ATM Exp yang dulu atau kalian bisa melihat Video di atas. Cheat ini bisa di gunakan untuk level 1-80. Untuk yang tanya "ini aman/bakal di banned ?" = MAHO !!
Tool's :
- Fiddler
- SWF File :
- ATM EXP NS : Click Disini
- ATM EXP NSX : Click Disini
How to use :
How to Use :
1. Open Fiddler
2. Drag files to the fiddler
3. Clear Chace
4. Sign Headquarter
5. Enter this code 63978DCB04
6. Please Choose a cheat where you want to use
Existing AT Feature :
Here you will gain EXP, you enter in column Exp
Exp 1 = 1 million,
Exp 2 = 2 million,
3 = 3 million Exp, etc.
In the delay you can change it to speed up the process, but should not be changed so that no error will occur.
2. Level ATM
increase the level of your place, so do not count the number of exp
you need to climb to the next level. Here delay is also
can be changed (but should not be changed).
3. Auto Mission
If You Have Difficult In A Mission
Put The Code Of The Mission
3. Gold ATM
You Can Get 100k+ Gold
Credit :
- Hack_Games™
- - Ryan Anugrah
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